## 19. Instruction Complete the following statements by selecting the correct words from the given list.A ____ of people prefer coffee to tea. B A large number of books are sold every day at bookstores. C Many people like pizza as their favorite food. D The majority of people enjoy listening to music while they work. E Not many people have time for sports after school. F Teenagers often listen to pop music. G People can watch TV during lunchtime. H In order to succeed in life you need to be diligent. I Some students study all night before an exam. J You should keep your luggage under 7 kilograms when flying internationally. K Most airports offer free Wi-Fi access to travelers. L Cats and dogs make great companions. M Many people use social media to stay connected with friends and family. N Parents often worry about their childrens safety. O Traveling abroad is a great way to experience different cultures. P Its important to exercise regularly for good health. Q Eating a balanced diet helps maintain a healthy weight. R Reading books is one of the best ways to relax. S Sports provide a great opportunity for teamwork and cooperation. T Watching movies can help pass the time on long trips. U Using technology for entertainment has become increasingly popular among young adults. V Wearing comfortable shoes helps prevent foot problems. W Taking regular breaks from work or studying can improve productivity